Difference between GRASS GIS and QGIS

As a result of intensive research in the field of geographical features, many software and technologies have emerged with the aim of carrying more research. Grass GIS (Geographic Resource Analysis…

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Differences between GIS and Lidar

Technological advancement has led to the introduction of various geographical-related technologies. GIS (Geographic Information System) and Lidar (Light Detention and Ranging) are some of the never-ending examples. These two technologies…


Difference between 2D and 3D GIS

The advancement of technology has seen the development made especially in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The field of application where the GIS (geographic information systems) is being used has…


8 Top Free Satellite Imagery Sources

Today, any person has the opportunity to access satellite images of our planet for free. Satellite imagery is a valuable source of data for many companies and products, including forest…

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