Types of Scale in Geography  –  Know all about it

Types of Scale in Geography – Know all about it

Mapping is a map creation process showing a part of Earth’s surface detail. A map creator positions the exact location of a mountain, building, road, or bridge. Mapping uses computer graphics, hand drawing, and painting to show the detail of the map’s landmarks.

Mapping provides important information about landmark features. Maps analyze changes to a structure or landmark. A map requires regular updates if significant changes are observed in land features. One example is the presence of newly constructed buildings, roads, and bridges.

Mapping can be tricky, as it is where geography meets math. When dealing with this task for the first time, students often think it will be easy-peasy and don’t plan enough time for it. If you’ve fallen victim to the same mistake, address SmartWritingService essay service for help with writing papers waiting for your attention while you are stuck with mapping.



A map scale is the map distance ratio corresponding to the actual ground distance. The scale on the map presents a distance measurement between each landmark. For example, a 1: 1000000 cm scale map shows that 1 centimeter equals 1 kilometer on the ground.


Scale Importance:

· Scale updates recent changes in the map distance. These are the presence of new buildings or road networks.

· When a new map is recently created, the scale compares the differences between the new and old maps. The comparison detects changes or improvements between the two maps.

· The presence of scales in a map educates the readers about the prominent landmarks and structures. The map users learn the distance value and the name of prominent features in a specific land area.

· A map scale guides anyone when visiting an unfamiliar landmark. The scale provides details about the landmark including their distance on the map.

· Scale prevents confusion between two or more landmarks. Each scale provides factual information to avoid misidentification of a landmark.

· Measurements on each landmark scale help travelers cut travel time. There are numeric ratios indicated in the scale to calculate an estimated travel time.

· A map scale informs the public if landmarks are disappeared. These are demolished buildings and roads affected by either nature or human beings.



Three types of scale infographics



Three Types of Scale:

image1. Fractional or Ratio Scale: A fractional scale map shows the fraction of an object or land feature on the map. This type uses a set of numbers that represents the object or a landmark. As an example, in the left photo, the orange-shaded scale represents a 2/3 fractional scale.


image2. Linear Scale: A linear scale shows the distance between two or more prominent landmarks. The linear scale on maps is a set of lines or dots representing a landmark. An example on the left photo is a map using a linear scale on each road.


image3. Verbal Scale: This type of scale use simple words to describe a prominent surface feature. A verbal map scale expands abbreviations to describe a landmark or an object. An example is the image to the left describes a scale as cm is equal to 15 kilometers.


One extra type of Scale that can be added to geography books:

image4. Changed Scale: Maps presenting a large amount of distance, such as 1450000cm, are difficult to describe. A changed scale type is an alternative to a large ratio or a metric scale. For example, the metric ratio scale of 1:1450000 changes into 1 cm = 15 km.



Scale Use in Geography:

1. Geographic analysis: A scale provides a geographical analysis of a specific surface feature on the map. The analysis explains the significance of the land feature and the distance between landmarks. The geographical analysis confirms the land feature type as a mountain, building, or road.

2. Accuracy: A scale presents the exact object’s value illustrated in the map. Accurate landmark information provides landmark facts and figures. Examples are naming a street, building, mountain, or road.

3. Geometrical Presentation: A geometrical presentation highlights the landmark’s visibility. Some shapes represent the distance, elevation, and structure of a landmark. These are sharp-edged shapes that represent buildings and landmarks on the map.

4. Time Management: A scale conserves time and effort while studying the map’s land geography. Each scale details the landmarks and geographical distance. Map readers are no longer required to conduct research to understand landmark geography.

5. Introduce the place to visitors: Tourists use scale maps to navigate the landmark’s geography. The scale map educates the tourists about the landmark’s name and the distance between land features. For example, the map illustrates the total distance of the white sand beach, which is 8 kilometers long.

6. Education: Scales in map increases anyone’s knowledge about the geographic details of an object, scene, or geographical position. The scale provides the actual name of the object to prevent confusion. An example is Mount Rainier, which has an elevation of 4,392 meters above sea level.



Difference Between Large Scale Map and Small Scale Map:

image 1. Large-Scale Map: A large-scale map makes every object or landmark appear larger. Buildings and roads are clearly recognizable. The large-scale map shows the names of malls, bridges, and streets.


image 2. Small-Scale Map: A small-scale map makes objects and landmarks appear smaller. The building, road, bridge, or land feature is not recognizable. A small-scale map does not show the names of buildings, roads, or bridges.



Disadvantages of Scale:

1. Consumes Time: Creating scales in a map consumes time and effort. This process takes at least one month to install scales on a map.

2. Requires Thorough Research: A scale needs a reliable information source about the actual name of the landmark. The purpose is to verify the name of the object and the distance between landmarks.

3. Need Constant Updates: Scales require constant updates. Every landmark naturally changes over time. The environment’s weather and geology gradually change the physical appearance of a landmark.

4. Expensive: Creating a map scale costs significant money. The equipment and the professional services of scale creators require fees to install a scale on maps. Each scale can cost hundreds to thousands in USD currency on every map scale.

5. Safety concerns: Making a scale map risks the creator’s life and health. The creators’ site visit might be unsafe. For example, scale map creators encounter road accidents or injuries while surveying.

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. the information is very good indeed actually i love it and i learn a lot of things,thank u

    1. Thank you

  2. Thank you so much

  3. Thank you
    It’s really help me a lot thank you very much.

  4. Thank you very much…….
    It is very helpful for me..

  5. I Live This Profile So Much.

  6. So nice, vivid explanations and straight answers, thanks alot

  7. Thank yau it is usefull for me

  8. Thank you I learned something about it and I happy with it

  9. Good annd thank you

  10. Thanks and vary good

  11. Very informative. Thank you.

  12. Thank u

  13. Very helpful…Recieved every information needed about scale.

  14. Thank you so much

  15. As an example on a 1: 1000000 cm scale map shows that 1 centimeter is equal to 1 kilometer on the ground.
    shouldn’t be 10 km on the ground?

  16. Thanks a lot, that was very helpful.

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