Application of GPS in traffic management systems

Application of GPS in traffic management systems

GPS is a tool used to locate objects in real positions as well as their time. It is used for tracking, scientific uses, surveillance as well as management in various sectors. It is used in all weather conditions. Like other applications, traffic management systems require accurate and real-time data that GPS offers. GPS in traffic management is used as a data collecting tool which shows the speed and spatial coordinates of cars at certain times.


1. Tracks and manage fleets of vehicles

Company owner with many cars have GPS installed for easier tracking of the vehicles. GPS can track vehicles as they are at the moment therefore, it easily manages the fleet of vehicles which makes it easier for people along the roads as traffic is managed.

2. Information on arrival time

As a data collection tool, GPS provides information on the time expected for certain vehicles to be at certain points. This ensures that public transport operators get to know the exact location of the vehicle and further helps them to understand how delays occur leading to traffic jams. The information aims at helping them reduce the delays.

3. In-vehicle navigation

GPS technology is essential as it provides drivers with directions which makes their navigation easy. For any in-vehicle navigation system, GPS is required as it easily directs the user from one place to another.

4. Traffic monitoring

Every urban city is faced with traffic congestion all over the world and people are seeking ways to reduce or curb this vice. GPS receiver came to the rescue as it is used to show records of the positions and speeds of vehicles at various times. Besides, this GPS ensures that all vehicles are easily monitored and therefore management becomes easy.

5. Driver assistance systems

Gps technology aids drivers by familiarizing them with their surroundings which prevent the occurrence of accidental collisions. Most collisions contribute to traffic hence GPS is essential as it controls such through the provision of information of surrounding objects and things.

6. Adaptation of intelligent speed

The location of the vehicle is determined by the GPS, while the intelligent speed adaptation reduces the vehicle’s speed anywhere along the road. The two that are GPS and the ISA combined help at determining the relevant speed limit.

7. Collecting data

GPS technology in transport systems is normally used to provide information on the precise location of the vehicles. In addition to that it collections information on the location of mileposts, signs, and traffic signals.

8. Locates hazardous waste vehicles

For the construction of better transport systems, GPS technology is used, to track illegal dumps, noise receptors, and dangerous waste sites among other factors that contribute to traffic problems.

9. Identification of the crash location

Cars that have accidentally crushed along the highways are easily tracked with the use of GPS and this has made it efficient as the person responds to the specific places and the roads are cleared for use.

10. Possible electronic payment and charging

Gps provides location data that is drivers easily get information of where charges are levied. Besides, the GPS also determines the location and exact time at which the vehicle will get to a charging cordon.

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