Remote sensing is a technique that is widely used for various environmental applications and benefits. In the current world, there has been an increase in environmental pollution due to industrialization and urbanization. Air pollution is a good example of environmental pollution that is a great threat to air quality. The remote sensing technique can be used in various ways to curb pollution.
Some of the applications of this technique in air pollution include:
1. Monitoring air quality
Several satellite sensors are placed on the atmosphere to monitor the changes in air quality specifically. Since they are airborne or space-borne sensors, they can examine the air from the ground and provide humans on earth with relevant information that can be used to regulate activities that pollute the air.
2. Measuring traces of gases and aerosols
Sensors are capable of measuring how harmful the gas or aerosol is harmful to the atmosphere. The recorded measurements are then sent to the station and are later used to improve the air quality.
3.Forecasting air quality
Sensors play magic when it comes to forecasting events affecting air quality. By measuring the traces of gases and aerosols, sensors can provide information that can be used to determine the quality of the air and also predict future air quality if no preventive measures are laid down.
4. Data analysis
During the analysis of the effect (increase or decrease) of air pollution in an area, sensors are used to measure the extent of pollution at a specified period. The information recorded by the sensors is converted to digital numbers, which are used in the data analysis process.
5. Environmental study
Environmental study is a study that is aimed at improving the environmental condition. In this study, remote sensors are great sensors as they are vital tools in measuring the quality of the air and the presence of pollutants.
6.Tracking pollutants
Pollutants are known for their mighty power of lowering the air quality, and thus, they are the mothers of air pollution. However, these pollutants can be tracked and be controlled. Remote sensing technology employs its sensors to track the pollutants responsible for lowering the air quality and thus enable humans to avoid them.
7. Urban planning and management
Urban areas are always associated with high air pollution; this can be controlled by employing remote sensing technology. Satellite sensors are used to indicate the industries that produce an untreated chemical to the air so as action can be taken against them. By doing so, minimizes air pollution in urban areas.
8. Industrial use
In making air sensors and controllers, the remote sensing technique is borrowed and is applied in making devices that are used to show changes in quality of air, and thus it is vital technology.
9. Identifying main causes of pollutions
Remote sensor tools can be used to identify the main cause of pollution and fix it to minimize further pollution.