Applications of multilinear maps

Applications of multilinear maps

A multilinear map is a map with several variables. Each variable is linearly separated in multilinear maps, and these variables are vector spaces. Thus, a multilinear map takes some vector space variables as input and outputs vector space variables. The idea of multilinear mapping is critical in several fields and in performing encoding tasks. This article will discuss some typical applications of multilinear applications.

They include:

1. N-way Key Exchange

N-way key Exchange is a common method of securing cryptographic keys. In cryptography, security is paramount; thus, various tools and techniques are employed. Here, multilinear mapping is vital in securing the cryptographic keys transmitted over a public network. Multilinear mapping is a non-authenticated protocol, but it creates authenticated protocols essential in securing cryptographic keys.

2. Broadcast Encryption

Broadcast encryption is a cryptographic method of encrypting broadcast content over a broadcast channel. The message is sent over a broadcast channel to the selected qualified users during the broadcast. Therefore, to ensure the broadcast message is secured, there are cryptographic tools that can be used. Multilinear mapping can be beneficial in securing the broadcast message and helps in choosing qualified users.

3. Certificate-based Encryption

In certificate-based Encryption, ID-based cryptography methods use when producing certificates. When producing such certificates, multilinear mapping technology is applied usefully. The technique yields both explicit and implicit certifications. In addition, the knowledge of multilinear mapping has a huge role in Content Scrambling Systems.

4. Analyzing cryptographic datasets.

Cryptographers extensively use the knowledge of multilinear mapping in performing their tasks. Other than adding a security feature to cryptographic data, multilinear maps assist in the documentation of cryptographic information. Multilinear maps show a pictorial representation of the cryptographic concept used in a given system.

5. Identity-based Encryption

Identity-based Encryption is a cryptographic technique that uses a third-party server in public-key Encryption. In this technique, the user’s public key is usually some unique information related to the person. Thus, this type of Encryption works on the principle of Encryption (sender) and decryption (receiver). The knowledge of multilinear mapping is useful in executing identity-based encryption tasks.

6. Obfuscation

Obfuscation is the conversion of human-readable string to cipher text. Unlike Encryption, obfuscation does not include cryptographic keys while securing the messages. Several cryptographic tools help administer obfuscation to messages. Today, a multilinear mapping technique is used in the conversion process of messages.

7. Asymmetric Cryptography

In this field, a pair of security keys, a public key, and a private key. Here, the security of the private key is determined by the public key. In addition, the public key can be shared without compromising the security of the message. To achieve its goals, asymmetric cryptography applies the knowledge of multilinear mapping to ensure the security of private and security keys is upheld.


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