Applications of Remote Sensing in Planning

Applications of Remote Sensing in Planning

Planning is crucial to the environment due to the rapid increase in population and other related problems. Remote sensing techniques act as the source of basic information used to make decisions and plan. The connection between remote sensing and planning has many advantages and gains.

This article covers some of the common applications of remote sensing techniques in planning.

1. Distribution of population

The distribution of the population is the ground from which planning decisions are made. Remote sensors are space tools, and therefore they can monitor a wide area and show the distribution of the population. Remotely sensed photos show the distribution of population in a given country or region. The government may use this information to plan for its citizens and curb the spread of any contagious diseases.

2. Highway planning

During highway construction, there are critical factors that are considered. Various tools are used to analyze and solve the factors associated with highway construction. Remote sensing eases the planning of highway and town constructions. It tracks and takes the image of the town, which is used in the proper positioning of the highway.

3. Weather Forecasting and planning

Remote sensors can detect changes in weather and climate. These tools are equipped with modern equipment that helps detect any change in the environment. The collected data is used to plan for future weather changes. People are relocated to safer places, thus minimizing dangers that would occur if there was no planning.

4. Forest planning

Satellite data is used to analyze and show forested areas and now are not. The satellite images come in different colors that have different meanings. For example, the Red-color shows forested areas before and now are bare soils. The sensed data is used to initiate the re-cultivation process, hence controlling deforestation.

5. Hazardous assessment and planning

Hazardous activities are activities that are likely to cause harm or like to human beings. However, this is avoided. Numerous ways can be used to avoid and control occurrences of these hazardous activities. Remote sensing techniques can monitor earth activities and show activities likely to trigger disaster. The collected data is then used to plan how to handle hazardous activities.

6. Building and construction planning

During building and construction, a rigid plan is crucial. Remote sensors tools are used to obtain an accurate and reliable plan. They capture images from the spaces, and these images feed constructors and engineers with the planning information.

7. Urban planning

Urban planning has witnessed the mighty use of remote sensors. In urban areas, remote sensors collect spatial information used to solve congestion and increase crime. The space tools take an image of the entire city, and the images are analyzed and used for planning the city.

8. Policies planning

Remote sensing techniques are one of the major tools that are consulted in enacting policies. The spatial information from space sensors is crucial in planning how the policies will affect the environment and its inhabitants.

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