Difference between GIS and Geomatics

Geographic Information Systems, GIS, and Geomatics are commonly mistaken to mean the same thing but the two fields are very different. Geomatics is the art of collecting and managing geographically…


Google Maps vs Apple Maps

In 2012, Apple launched its Apple maps to be used with the Apple's iOS devices. The Apple maps are preloaded in iOS devices and they're both free. Google maps can…

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NAD 83 vs NAD 27

Hello grind GIS people, again I thought to write on the difference and this time between NAD 83 and NAD 27. I have listed 9 differences between these two.  …


30 GIS Uses in Civil Engineering

(GIS)Geographical Information System is a system anticipated to capture, analyze, manipulate, store, manage and present every type of geographical data. The merging of cartography, database technology, and statistical analysis is…

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